Say YES to Balangan Beach!

Well, who does not love beach ?

Many of people have been saying that beach is best therapy for body, mind, and soul. Like one of my favorite beach’ quote I found on Pinterest:

“At the beach, life is different. Time doesn’t move hour to hour but mood to moment. We live by the currents, plan by the tides, and follow the sun”.

What is the best-of-the-best beach ever discovered around the world ? Not really sure where or what beach entitled so. Since every single beach around the world has significant characters and beauty that differentiate each other. For the sake of living in Bali, I would like to present to you about one of my lifetime-favorite beach named Balangan Beach.


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Balangan Beach or ‘Pantai Balangan’ has been well-known for its magnificent sunset view, clear blue water, and strong waves for surfing. Only 35 minutes from Kuta area, Balangan is so reachable. Just take way along to Pecatu, then way up shortly after passing Garuda Wisnu Kencana, there is an intersection and turn right. Then you just need to follow the way straight ahead to Balangan.




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Can not wait to see the beauty of Balangan Beach ? Here I attach some photos showing you what you can explore in Balangan Beach.




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There is two ways of enjoying the beach. First, you can go down straight to the beach and do what you want. Sun-bathing, surfing, swimming, or just laying down in the shore. Second, go around Balangan hill (in parking area, you just need to reach the edge of the cliff) and witness the gorgeous view of the beach from above. It is also the best spot to photograph the beach, enjoying the blue-bright-clear water, and the sunset as well.

According to my experience, the best time to visit Balangan are around 10-12 AM and 3-6 PM. Those times of visit will give you a break to enjoy the bright-blue-clear water as the sun shines so bright. White sands around the beach also work well with the color of the water. While sun starts to set from 5 PM. Gorgeous view!


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If you are lucky, you can see some couples doing their pre-wedding photoshoot there.

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Biru banget!



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